Premium reselling group covering sneakers, ticket reselling, lowkey flips and more.
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Notifications. Never miss an opportunity with unrivaled speed in alert delivery whether it's an unexpected price drop or a limited sneaker release.
Release Calendar. Keep an eye on the pulse of the market with our comprehensive release calendar.
Feed. Easy access to the latest important information, curated to your reselling interests.
Drop Guides. Stay up to date with easy access to drop guides that give you an edge.
Cross Platform. Take advantage of the benefits provided by our mobile companion app whether you are on iOS or Android.
iOS Widgets. Stay informed with quick access to the latest release information on your homescreen.
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Live Classes
Dive into the world of reselling with Notify University. Our live classes offer in-depth knowledge, practical strategies, and expert insights. Learn, grow, and excel in real-time.
1:1 Coaching
Get personalized guidance tailored to your reselling journey with our 1:1 coaching sessions. Our experts equip you with the strategies you need to succeed in this lucrative market.
24/7 Dedicated Staff
We're here for you, around the clock. Our dedicated staff is available 24/7 to assist with any queries, concerns, or guidance you may need. Success in reselling is a journey, and we're with you every step of the way.